Representasi Kasih Sayang Ayah Pada Anak Dalam Video Klip "Saat Kau Telah Mengerti" (Analisis Semiotika Charles Pierce)

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Umar Abdullah
Riski Apriliani


Video clips are a form of communication that conveys messages using audio visuals. The messages conveyed
have meaning and purpose. This study aims to determine how communication between father and child is
represented in the video clip of Virgoun's song entitled Saat Kau Telah Mengerti. This study uses Charles
Sanders Peirce's Semiotic analysis to determine the meaning of the signs displayed in this video clip. Data
were obtained from a collection of documentation literature and library studies. The researcher achieved
this by carefully examining, paying attention to, and documenting the situation in the video clip of Virgoun's
song Saat Kau Telah Mengerti which is relevant to the research objectives, namely to find out more about
the interaction between father and child in the video clip. The sampling technique used in this study was a
purposive sampling technique, namely the sample was selected according to the criteria determined by the
researcher. The results of this study found that the form of a father's affection for a child is very crucial for
the child and has an important role in the child's life, especially in terms of providing a sense of security and
affection so that the child feels loved and appreciated so that the child can grow well, independently and

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